海外优青丨南科大环境学院2025国际青年学者论坛 2025 Global Scientist Forum

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Email:  iese@sustech.edu.cn





迄今,学院已发表SCI论文2800余篇,包括发表在ScienceNature及其子刊、PNASNature Index期刊上的高水平论文360余篇;承担包括国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目、重大项目、重点项目、重大研究计划重点项目、国家科技重大专项、国家重点研发计划、广东省重点领域研发计划、广东省区域联合基金粤港澳研究团队项目、深圳市可持续发展专项等在内的各类科研项目640余项,获批经费总额超过7亿元。2024年,学校环境生态学科首次进入ESI全球前2‰






南科大聚焦前沿科技、注重学科交叉和融合,搭建大平台、组建大团队、攻坚大项目,吸引科研资源加速聚集。牵头承担粤港澳大湾区量子科学中心、中能自由电子激光器大科学装置、材料基因组大科学装置等重要平台的建设任务,通过重大攻关任务培养造就战略科学家。2024年,学校围绕量子科技、生态环境、生物科学、先进科学仪器等前沿研究,积极推动国家级平台的牵头申报与建设。截至目前,学校历年共获批建设各级各类科研平台137个,累计获批科研经费逾36亿元。2024年,已确认获批项目金额约19亿元,国家级项目获批金额和横向项目合同金额保持上涨。近五年,在NatureScienceCell三大顶级期刊主刊发表论文量稳定保持在内地高校前十。20241-11月中国高校/院所NatureScience两大顶刊发文数量排名中,第一作者和通讯单位均为南科大的论文有12篇,位列全国第五;物质科学类科研成果在两大顶刊发文数量达10篇,位列全国第三。2024年,南科大自然指数FC值超过350,位列全球第25名,位列全球十大后起之秀榜单之首,创历史新高。2025年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中,南科大在全球高校中排名183名,内地榜单第13位。2024年,材料科学、化学、工程学进入了 ESI 全球前1‰14个学科排名ESI全球前1%


南科大灵活高效面向国际引才,汇聚了一支国际化、高水平、年轻化的教师队伍。截至目前,已签约引进教师1400余人,包括院士61人(签约引进与自主培养全时院士50人),国际会士73人,国家重大人才工程入选专家462人次,其中国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者57人,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者39人,教育部人才项目入选专家50人。连续六年获深圳人才伯乐奖第一名。教师队伍中,45岁及以下教师占比约80%。教学科研系列教师90%以上具有海外工作经验,60%以上具有在世界排名前100名大学工作或学习的经历,高层次人才占教研系列50%以上。2022年,美国科学院院士、菲尔兹奖获得者、中国科学院外籍院士埃菲·杰曼诺夫教授全职加入南科大。2024年,全职引进瑞士工程科学院院士、欧洲人文和自然科学院院士迪迪埃索尔内特 (Didier Sornette) 。近两年新引进人员原工作单位包括哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、加州理工学院、新加坡国立大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、法国遗传与分子细胞生物学研究所、美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室、美国阿贡国家实验室等。

作为深圳首屈一指的人才蓄水池,南科大在2017年产生了深圳本土培养的首位中国科学院院士。2023年,乐思教授(Lars Ivar Samuelson)当选为中国科学院外籍院士,成为南科大自主培养的第五位两院院士。近两年,4名教授新当选国际院士,其中戴建生教授当选欧洲科学院院士。多名学者获得重量级科研奖项:校长薛其坤院士荣获国家最高科学技术奖、腾冲科学大奖;环境学院教授胡清获得国家技术发明奖一等奖;化学系讲席教授刘心元、材料系教授郭传飞同时获得广东省自然科学一等奖;化学系讲席教授谭斌、物理系讲席教授卢海舟同时获得科学探索奖等。






1. Introduction

The Global Scientist Forum at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is an important conference for outstanding talent recruitment. It aims to provide a platform for academic exchange among scholars at home and abroad, to promote interdisciplinary and academic innovation. Through the recruitment of world-class talents, we plan to build SUSTech Environment into a high-level discipline with unique characteristics.


2. Forum Schedule

Online Forum: Late February, 2025 (Please refer to the invitation letter)


3. Program Overview

China's National Science Fund Program for Outstanding Young Scholars (Overseas) seeks to attract remarkable young scholars from around the globe, including those of non-Chinese origin, who have excelled in natural sciences, engineering, and related fields. The program empowers scholars to pursue their own research interests, fostering innovative projects that contribute to the advancement of scientific and technological talent in China.

As a leading institution in this initiative, SUSTech has consistently ranked among the top universities in China for securing funding since the program's inception. In 2025, SUSTech will continue its commitment to this talent recruitment initiative.


4. Eligibility Criteria

(I) Compliance with the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, alongside a strong commitment to scientific ethics and innovation;

(II) Born on or after January 1, 1985;

(III) Hold a doctoral degree in environmental science and engineering, or related fields;

(IV) Possess a minimum of 36 months of continuous formal teaching or research experience at overseas universities, research institutions, or corporate R&D departments, gained after obtaining your doctoral degree and prior to April 15, 2025. This requirement may be relaxed for candidates with exceptional achievements and a doctoral degree from overseas;

(V) Demonstrate recognized research or technological achievements that indicate potential as a leading figure in your field;

(VI) Have no previous full-time work experience in China prior to January 1, 2024. If selected, you will need to resign from your current overseas position and commit to full-time work in China for a minimum of three years. 

Important Note: You may apply to only one program at the same level. Applications to programs at lower levels are not allowed. 

[Note: The eligibility criteria are based on the 2024 official guidelines. For the 2025 criteria, please refer to the latest guidelines issued by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).]


5. Supportive Conditions

SUSTech offers a globally competitive compensation and benefits package, along with a dynamic research environment. If selected for the Program, you will be appointed to a tenure-line position at SUSTech, with access to a wide array of supportive resources and favorable conditions, including but not limited to:


Typically, you will be appointed as an Associate Professor with the opportunity to supervise PhD students.

Compensation and Benefits

1. Compensation: Highly competitive salary with eligibility for personal income tax benefits in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

2. Comprehensive benefits: Highest-standard Five Insurances and One Fund (social insurance and housing provident fund) in Shenzhen; supplementary commercial medical insurance and premium coverage for the Greater China region, along with a Shenzhen-standard annuity.

3. Personal grants: We will support you in applying for relevant talent programs aligned with national, provincial, and municipal talent initiatives. If selected, you may receive grants or other financial support, with a maximum value of up to CNY 2,190,000.

 Research Support

1. Research funding: You may receive up to CNY 9,500,000, including support from national, provincial, and municipal sources, depending on government policies and the outcome of your application. Special cases will be evaluated individually.

2. Team support: Research teams will be formed based on project needs. Two postdoctoral positions are available with 60% funding from the university. You can also recruit additional postdocs using your own funds without limits.  Graduate student quotas will be allocated based on university policies and departmental needs, and you have the flexibility to recruit research-line faculty and research/teaching assistants.

3. Office and Lab Facilities: High-quality office and laboratory spaces are available, alongside access to shared research platforms.

Living Benefits

1.Housing: Depending on availability, we offer either Faculty Apartments or housing subsidies.

2.Educational support for children: The SUSTech Education Group (Nanshan) includes 4 public schools in Nanshan District, 1 offering education from Grade 1 to 9, and 3 offering elementary education. For preschool, we have two public kindergartens: SUSTech Affiliated Kindergarten and Keyuan Early Learning Center, the latter located on our campus. We can assist with enrollment based on availability and government policies.

3.Medical Services: Access to healthcare through our 3 affiliated hospitals, 11 co-built hospitals and teaching hospitals in Shenzhen.

4.Living support: We assist with applications for Shenzhen hukou (household registration) or residence permits for you and your family, as well as the "You Yue Talent Card" (Guangdong provincial talent card) and "Shenzhen Talent Pass". These cards offer specialized services in housing, healthcare, education, and spouse employment in Guangdong and Shenzhen.


6. Application Materials and Process

Application due date: February 13, 2025

1)Application materials 

·         Curriculum Vitae

·         Representative papers (published in the recent 5 years), representative works

2)How to apply 

Please submit all your application materials to the School of Environmental Science and Engineering mailbox (iese@sustech.edu.cn), entitled “Global Scientist Forum Application - Name" for evaluation. We will evaluate your application and send out invitations as soon as possible. Please send materials at your earliest convenience. Successful applicants will receive the invitation before February 18, 2025. 


7. Contact Information

Ms. Yuanyuan SU

Tel: +86-755-88010822

Email: iese@sustech.edu.cn


Why Choose Us?

Located in the vibrant city of Shenzhen, SUSTech is a dynamic public research university founded by the Shenzhen Municipality during a transformative period in China's higher education landscape. Established in December 2010, SUSTech quickly gained recognition, and in February 2022, it was included in China’s “Double First Class” initiative—a prominent higher education development and sponsorship scheme, making it the youngest university in China to achieve this distinction. Nestled in the thriving Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, SUSTech upholds its founding principles of “Truth, Innovation, Reform, and Excellence,” with a strong focus on research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Guided by the motto “Virtue, Truth, Advance,” the university is dedicated to becoming a world-class research university.

The School of Environmental Science and Engineering was founded in May 2015, in response to the strategic development needs of environmental protection in China. The School is dedicated to conducting cutting-edge academic research and high-level talent cultivation in areas such as water environment and resources, atmospheric environment and global change, low-carbon development and resource recycling, environment and health. It is also committed to developing advanced technologies closely related to societal needs, including coastal environment, atmospheric carbon reduction, smart environmental protection, ecological restoration, and waste-free cities.

The School currently has 66 fulltime faculties and research staffs, including many recipients of national and international awards and honours. Many of our faculty members serve on the editorial boards of leading international journals and major international committees. 

Since 2015, the School has published over 2800 SCI papers, including more than 360 papers published in Science, Nature and its affiliated journals, and PNAS. The school has been award more thant 640 reserach projects, including major projects funded by the Ministry of Scinece and Technology, the NSFC, and other national, provincial, and municipal funding agencies. The total granted funding since 2015 exceeds 700 million yuan. In May 2021, the environmental ecology discipline of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) entered the top 1% of ESI global rankings for the first time. By November 2024, it had advanced to the top 1.95‰, achieving high-quality rapid development. 

The School currently has two undergraduate majors approved by the Ministry of Education: the Environmental Science and Engineering Major, which is an Advanced Key Discipline in Guangdong Province, and the Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering Major. In November 2020, the School of Environment added a master’s degree program in “Resources and Environment”. As of October 2024, the School of Environment has been authorized for the “Environmental Science and Engineering” doctoral degree program. In the 2024 Times Higher Education China Subject Rankings, SUSTech's Environmental Science and Engineering discipline received an A+ rating; in the 2024 "Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects," SUSTech's Water Resources Engineering discipline ranked 20th, Environmental Science and Engineering ranked between 51st-75th, and Atmospheric Science ranked between 101st-150th.


A Platform for High-Quality Development

SUSTech is committed to advancing global scientific and technological progress while addressing national priorities. The university offers a broad range of academic programs across its diverse colleges and schools, including the College of Science, College of Engineering, School of Life Sciences, School of Medicine, School of Business, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and School of Design, among others. With 35 academic departments and several research centers, SUSTech prioritizes science, engineering, and medicine, while also offering programs in business, humanities, and social sciences. Currently, SUSTech has over 12,000 students, including more than 5,000 undergraduates and over 6,000 postgraduates. Leading the way in admissions reform, SUSTech uses a "comprehensive evaluation admission model" that identifies and nurtures outstanding students with specialized knowledge, innovative potential, and strong overall qualities.

At the forefront of cutting-edge technologies and interdisciplinary collaboration, SUSTech heavily invests in advanced research platforms, building strong research teams, and tackling major scientific projects. Our efforts bring together top talent and resources to push the boundaries of knowledge. The university plays a key role in significant initiatives such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Quantum Science Center, the S3FEL Facility, and the Materials Genome Facility—projects shaping the next generation of pioneering scientists. In 2024, SUSTech accelerated the development of national research platforms in areas such as quantum technology, ecological sustainability, life sciences, and advanced scientific instruments. We have established 137 research platforms, with total funding exceeding 3.6 billion yuan. Confirmed project funding in 2024 has reached approximately 1.9 billion yuan, with an increasing number of national project approvals and collaborative research contracts. Over the past five years, SUSTech has consistently ranked among the top ten universities in China for publications in prestigious journals such as Nature, Science, and Cell. From January to November 2024, it ranked fifth in China for publications in Nature and Science, with 12 papers featuring SUSTech researchers as first or corresponding authors. In materials science, SUSTech ranked third in China, publishing 10 papers in these top journals.

In 2024, the university’s Nature Index FC value exceeded 350, placing it 25th globally and securing the top spot on the "Ten Rising Stars" list—its highest position to date. In the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025, SUSTech is ranked 183rd globally and 13th in China. Additionally, in 2024, SUSTech’s materials science, chemistry, and engineering disciplines were ranked in the global top 1‰ according to the ESI rankings, with 14 disciplines in the global top 1%.


Leading Talent and Academic Excellence

SUSTech adopts a dynamic, flexible approach to attract top-tier international talent, building a distinguished and diverse faculty team. With over 1,400 faculty members, including 61 academicians—50 of whom are full-time faculty recruited or trained by the university—and 73 international fellows, SUSTech boasts a faculty that includes 462 members selected for prestigious national talent programs. This includes 57 recipients of the “National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, 39 winners of the “National Natural Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars”, and 50 members of the Ministry of Education’s talent programs. For six consecutive years, SUSTech has secured the first position in the Shenzhen “Talent Scout Prize”. Approximately 80% of our faculty are aged 45 or younger. More than 90% of our tenure-line faculty have international work experience, over 60% have studied or worked at universities ranked among the world’s top 100, and over 50% are recognized as high-level talents in their fields. In 2022, Professor Efim Zelmanov, Fields Medalist, member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, joined SUSTech as a full-time professor. In 2024, Professor Didier Sornette, a distinguished member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences and Academia Europaea, also became part of our faculty. Our recent faculty recruits hail from top-tier institutions, including Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology, France, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S., and Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.

SUSTech’s status as Shenzhen’s leading talent hub was solidified in 2017 when it produced the city’s first locally trained academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2023, Professor Lars Ivar Samuelson was elected as a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, becoming the fifth academician nurtured at SUSTech to receive this prestigious distinction. In the past two years, three SUSTech professors were elected as international academicians, including Professor Dai Jiansheng, who was awarded a fellowship of the Academia Europaea. Several SUSTech faculty members have also received prestigious international awards. President and Academician Xue Qikun was honored with the State Supreme Science and Technology Award as well as the Tengchong Science Award. Professor Hu Qing from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering won the First-Class National Award for Technological Invention. Chair Professor Liu Xinyuan from Department of Chemistry and Professor Guo Chuanfei from Department of Materials Science and Engineering both received the First-Class Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Award. Additionally, Chair Professors Tan Bin from Department of Chemistry and Lu Haizhou from Department of Physics were awarded the Xplorer Prize, among other recognitions.


A Talent Ecosystem of Excellence, Respect, and Inclusion

SUSTech fosters a highly internationalized faculty and is committed to cultivating a talent ecosystem grounded in excellence, respect, and inclusion, supported by strong academic governance. The university employs internationally recognized faculty models, including the “tenure track” and “Principal Investigator (PI)” systems, offering competitive salaries and comprehensive support, such as research startup funding, lab space, and mentorship opportunities. Faculty members enjoy the autonomy to build research teams and pursue scientific inquiry independently. To support faculty development, SUSTech leverages academic committees and international peer reviews, creating an environment of continuous growth.

Aligned with national strategic priorities, the university has adopted an organized research model focusing on the “PI + team + platform” approach, strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration and expanding talent development platforms. SUSTech is committed to a culture that values knowledge, respects talent, and upholds academic freedom. Our Faculty Committee plays a key role in involving faculty in governance and decision-making processes. At SUSTech, open and direct communication with faculty is a core value. Faculty members can engage in strategy meetings and faculty congresses, where diverse perspectives are not only valued but also effectively integrated into decision-making processes. SUSTech also values international collaboration, engaging in academic exchanges and interdisciplinary research projects with leading institutions worldwide.


A Campus Flourishing in Nature

SUSTech is situated in Shenzhen, a city that has transformed from a small town into a vibrant metropolis within just 44 years—a true symbol of innovation and progress. Known for its abundance of parks and gardens, Shenzhen offers a high quality of life with a business-friendly environment, mild climate, and fresh air. The SUSTech campus is situated in Nanshan District, Shenzhen’s high-tech heart, surrounded by eight other universities and research institutions. This offers a dynamic academic atmosphere while providing easy access to daily amenities and excellent transportation. Spanning 2.32 million square meters, our campus is set in a beautiful natural landscape, with rolling hills, lush lychee orchards, and the Dasha River winding through the grounds, adding to its charm. In the 2023 Soft Science Survey of Campus Environment Satisfaction among Chinese universities, SUSTech ranked first nationwide in areas like campus environment, library resources, sports facilities, and campus safety.

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