1.完成学校规定的教学工作考核要求,教学工作量不低于320学时/年。 2.完成学校规定的科研工作考核要求。 1. Fulfill SZIIT's mandated teaching workload of no less than 320 hours per year; 2. Meet SZIIT's standards for research performance.
招聘基本要求 I. Basic requirements 对华友好,遵守我国法律法规,身心健康,品行良好,无犯罪记录,具有良好的职业道德和团队合作精神。 We are looking for candidates who are friendly towards China, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, and are in good physical and mental health. Applicants must demonstrate good conduct, a clean criminal record, high professional ethics, and a strong ability for teamwork.
与岗位有关的其他条件 Other Qualifications 年龄为35周岁以下,具有3年及以上知名企业、高校或科研院所相关工作经历的可放宽至40周岁。 Under 35 years old, relaxable to 40 years for candidates with over three years of relevant experience in well-known enterprises, universities, or research institutes.
薪酬待遇 Compensation package 薪酬待遇参照学校员额制人员薪酬标准确定。 Salary and benefits will be determined according to SZIIT's compensation framework for staff members.
报名方式 How to apply 有意应聘者,可在报名时间范围内,填写《深圳信息职业技术学院应聘人员登记表》(附件2),并将此表连同相关佐证文件(护照照片信息页、学位证书、资格证书等须附上彩色扫描件)及个人简历等材料发送至报名邮箱。 Interested individuals are encouraged to apply within the designated period by filling out the "Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Applicant Registration Form" (Attachment 2). Please send this form, along with color scans of pertinent documents (such as the photo page of your passport, degree certificates, professional qualifications, etc.) and your resume, to the email provided below.