1. 受聘者需要从2024年开始讲授一系列的课程,包括 “马克思主义基本原理”、“毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论”、“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想概论”、“思想道德与法治”等课程。 The appointees are expected to teach a series of courses starting from 2024, including “Basic Principles of Marxism”, “Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, “Introduction to Xi Jinping's New Era of Chinese Introduction to Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics,” “Ethics and the Rule of Law” and so on. 2. 受聘者还需要协助课程材料开发,并对课程进行相关的准备和评估。 The appointees also need to help develop course materials and responsible for the assessment of the courses. 3. 工作内容涵盖教学、研究、课程发展和院系行政服务。 The work covers teaching, research, program development, and departmental administrative tasks.
1. 哲学博士,马克思主义和思想政治教育等相关专业,具有高校教师资格证书和相关教学经验者优先。 Applicants with a PhD in Philosophy, Marxist Theory or Ideological and Political Education, and with a recognized teaching qualification and relevant teaching experience are preferred. 2. 党员,思想政治素质高 Communist Party member with excellent ideological and political literacy 3.申请人在以下领域具有经验将会被优先考虑: Applicants with experience in the following areas would be particularly welcome: (1) 申请者具有丰富的本科生和研究生的授课经验。 Rich experience in teaching Chinese students both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. (2) 致力于使用创新的教学手段和工具。 Experience/commitment to using innovative teaching methodology. (3) 专业严谨的学术态度 Professional and rigorous academic attitude (4) 在思想政治学术领域表现出高水平的科研能力 Excellent in scientific research in Ethics and Political Education
薪酬待遇 Compensation and Benefits 大学提供具备竞争力的薪酬待遇,并提供优厚的附加福利和研究支持: We offer a highly competitive package, including excellent fringe benefits and research support: 1. 具有竞争力的薪酬和丰厚的附加福利; Competitive remuneration and attractive fringe benefits; 2. 政府提供的人才项目(协助符合条件的候选人申报); Various government-sponsored talent programmes (for eligible candidates);
申请材料应包括: To apply for the teaching positions at CityUHK(Dongguan), please ensure that your application includes the following documents: 1. 一封介绍自己并表达加入大学缘由的求职信。请重点突出您的资格、相关经验以及您设想中如何为大学做出贡献; A cover letter introducing yourself and expressing your motivation for joining CityUHK(Dongguan). Please highlight your qualifications, relevant experiences, and how you envision contributing to CityUHK(Dongguan) academic community; 2. 一份详尽的个人简历,其中应包括一份完整的教学课程列表,展示您的教学成就和贡献; A comprehensive resume, which should include a full course list showcasing your teaching achievements and contributions; 3.教学计划陈述,概述您在大学内未来教学努力的愿景和目标,及研究计划综述(如有); Teaching statements outlining your vision and goals for your future teaching endeavors within the University, and research statements (if applicable); 4. 三名推荐人的名字和联系信息; The names and contact information of at least 3 references; 5. 其他佐证您的教学或领导成果的支持文件。 Any additional supporting documents or evidence of your teaching or leadership accomplishments that you believe will strengthen your application.