具体研究领域包括但不限于以下方向: innate and adaptive immunity, inflammation, immune response to pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., neuroimmunology, cancer immunology, autoimmunity, and comparative and systems immunology.
Follow the basic goals and development plans of SMART, independently lead research groups to conduct innovative scientific research. Independently apply for various scientific research projects and funds. Manage research groups, mentor graduate students, and guide the research work of associate researchers, assistant researchers, postdoctoral fellows, research assistants, etc. Actively participate in relevant activities of SMART, including academic conferences, talent recruitment, and external exchanges and cooperation.
1. Possession of a Ph.D. degree and postdoctoral research experience; 2. Academic achievements comparable to those of an assistant professor or equivalent position at renowned universities/research institutions in China or overseas; 3. Recognized innovative research capabilities within the academic field; 4. The ability to conduct independent research and potential for obtaining tenure positions.
Benefits Qualified candidates will receive an internationally competitive salary, ample start-up funds, lab space, office space. State-of-the-art core facilities, translational platforms, and interdisciplinary academic environment are also available at SMART. Assistance will be provided in applying for national and regional talent awards and subsidies. Other benefits provided by SMART include insurance and housing fund, annual physical examination, paid annual leave, and children's education. For international staff, we also help them to apply for work permit, residence permit and foreign tax preference.
申请材料: 1. Cover letter; 2. Curriculum vitae; 3. Research summary and research plan; 4. Names, affiliations, and contact details of three referees.