1.主要承担体育教学及学科建设等工作。 Mainly responsible for physical education and program planning. 2.在完成公共体育课教学任务的同时,需要参与运动竞赛的组织与辅导工作,及体育代表队训练工作。 In addition to teaching general physical education courses, applicants also need to participate in organizing competitions and coaching sports teams.
1.具有体育教育训练学、体育人文社会学和运动人体科学相关学科博士或硕士学位,具有高校教师资格证书和相关教学经验者优先。 Applicants with a PhD or Master's degree in relevant disciplines in Physical Education and Training, Humanities and Sociology of Sport and Sports and Human Science, a recognized teaching qualification and relevant teaching experience are preferred. 2.运动竞赛成绩突出者优先。 Applicants with outstanding achievements in sports competitions would be preferred. 3.专项运动水平要求达到二级运动员及以上等级,达到国家健将或代表国家队参加过世界大赛者优先。 Grade 2 athletes and above for specialized sports level is required, and those who have reached Master Sportsman or have participated in the World Championships on behalf of the national team are preferred. 4.负责至少2个专业项目,其中之一期望是网球、足球、乒乓球、舞蹈、瑜伽。 Responsible for at least 2 professional sports, one of which is expected to be tennis, football, table tennis, dance, yoga.
薪酬待遇 Compensation and Benefits 大学提供具备竞争力的薪酬待遇,并提供优厚的附加福利和研究支持: We offer a highly competitive package, including excellent fringe benefits and research support: 1.具有竞争力的薪酬和丰厚的附加福利; Competitive remuneration and attractive fringe benefits; 2.政府提供的人才项目(协助符合条件的候选人申报); Various government-sponsored talent programmes (for eligible candidates);
申请要求 Application Requirements 申请材料应包括: To apply for the teaching positions at CityUHK(Dongguan), please ensure that your application includes the following documents: 1.一封介绍自己并表达加入大学缘由的求职信。请重点突出您的资格、相关经验以及您设想中如何为大学做出贡献; A cover letter introducing yourself and expressing your motivation for joining CityUHK(Dongguan). Please highlight your qualifications, relevant experiences, and how you envision contributing to CityUHK(Dongguan) academic community; 2.一份详尽的个人简历,其中应包括一份完整的教学课程列表,展示您的教学成就和贡献; A comprehensive resume, which should include a full course list showcasing your teaching achievements and contributions; 3.教学计划陈述,概述您在大学内未来教学努力的愿景和目标,及研究计划综述(如有); Teaching statements outlining your vision and goals for your future teaching endeavors within the University, and research statements (if applicable); 4.三名推荐人的名字和联系信息; The names and contact information of at least 3 references; 5.其他佐证您的教学或领导成果的支持文件。 Any additional supporting documents or evidence of your teaching or leadership accomplishments that you believe will strengthen your application.