1 遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,具有良好的科学道德,自觉践行新时代科学家精神;Comply with the laws and regulations of thePeople's Republic of China, possess good scientificethics, and conscientiously embody the spirit ofscientists in the new era;2出生日期在1985年1月1日(含)以后;Be born on or after Jan 1, 1985;3具有博士学位;Hold a doctoral degree;研究方向主要为自然科学、工程技术等;The main research focus shall cover naturalsciences, engineering, and related fields;5 至2025年4月15日前,一般应在海外高校、科研机构、企业研发机构获得正式教学或者科研职位,且具有连续36个月以上工作经历;在海外取得博士学位且业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽工作年限要求;By April 15,2025, the applicant is generally expectedto have held a formal teaching or research positionat an overseas university,research institution, orcorporate R&D institution, with a continuous workexperience of at least 36 months. For those whohave obtained a doctoral degree overseas withoutstanding achievements, the work experiencerequirement may be appropriately relaxed;6取得同行专家认可的科研或技术等成果,且具有成为该领域学术带头人或杰出人才的发展潜力;Have acquired research or technical achievementsrecognized by peers, and possess the potential tobecome an academic leader or outstanding talent inthe field;7申请人尚未全职回国(来华)工作,或者2024年1月1日以后回国(来华)工作。获资助通知后需辞去海外工作或在海外无工作,全职回国(来华)工作不少于三年。Applicants who have not yet returned to work inChina full-time or who returned to work in China onor after January 1, 2024, must resign from theiroverseas positions or have no employment overseasupon receiving the funding notification.They arerequired to work full-time in China for a minimum of3 years.