(a) conduct lectures, practical sessions and tutorials at postgraduate and undergraduate levels in related disciplines with new engineering education methodology; (b) supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students; (c) establish a vigorous research programme at the cutting edge of related disciplinary, and engage in other scholarly activities; (d) contribute to school and programme administration as well as curriculum development; (e) perform any other duties as assigned by the Dean of School or his/her delegates.
(a) have a PhD degree in related disciplines; (b) have relevant post-qualification experience in teaching and research; (c) have an excellent publication record in peer-reviewed international journals; (d) For the posts in Design, the qualifications include: (1) applicants should have Master's or PhD in Design; (2) a relevant professional qualification plus extensive industrial experience in product design and development.
应聘材料: 1. Resume 2. Recommendation letter 3 3. Representative publiccations (published in recent five years) and academic achievements 4. Honors and Awards 5. Academic research plan
Remuneration and Conditions of Service:A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered. Appointment will be on a tenure-track term.
Talent introduction policy of SUSTech: 1. Talent certification SUSTech and Shenzhen municipal government provide introduction opportunities for talents of different ages and different academic stages, including: leading talents (chair professors/professors), outstanding young talents (associate professors/assistant professors), and excellent postdoctoral talents. 2. Supports SUSTech provides excellent research funding support and global competitive salary for outstanding talents, and provides sufficient research development space for scientific research workers.