·A PhD granted by a university (research institute), with experience of post-doctoral research or at least two years’ experience of research. ·Outstanding record of original achievements in his/her field, and demonstrable strong academic leadership, and great potential to top his/her field in the future Tenured professors; ·Associate professors or assistant professors at universities in China or abroad, or with equivalent appointment standards, or with equivalent positions or levels at research institutions in China and abroad.
招聘方向:教育经济与管理、教育技术学、教育学原理 Recruitment Post:Educational Policy and Management, Educational Technology, Compulsory Education
薪酬待遇: Salaries and Benefits 我们将为每一位学者提供最佳发展环境,提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利、世界一流的教学科研条件、宽松而富有活力的学术环境。 薪酬待遇包括但不限于: •富有国际竞争力的薪酬体系; •充足的科研启动费,顶尖学者可按需申请; •顶尖学者和杰出学者可申请人才房或周转房;访问教授可申请校内高访公寓; •独立办公空间,保证博士生、博士后招收名额; •医疗保险、央保、子女就学等福利,包含清华附属学校提供的幼儿园、小学和初中等优质教育资源; •提供职业发展规划咨询与协助,充分激发每位教师的潜能; •教育研究院人才发展基金为人才引进和教师发展提供资源保障。 Apart from internationally competitive salaries, Tsinghua offers a wide range of benefits, including but not limited to: • Sufficient start-up research fund (on demand for distinguished scholars); •University staff quarters for distinguished and outstanding scholars; Visiting apartments on campus for visiting professors; •Independent office space and academic assistants; •Medicare, social insurance, and children’s schooling on campus; •Professional development counseling service; •IOE Talent Development Fund.