具有博士学位或教授职务,在境内外学术界具有较高知名度,曾在某一学科领域取得较大成果;能够对学校或学院的发展规划、学科建设、教学科研等给予具体指导;能够来校讲学,进行学术交流;年龄一般应在60岁以下。院士或在境内外学术界具有高知名度的专家、教授,身体健康,年龄可酌情放宽。 对学校规划、建设、发展提出重大指导意见或对学校做出重大贡献的有关人员,符合一定的条件的,学校根据需要可聘请为校级客座教授。 Doctor degree or professor position, high visibility in the academic circles at home and abroad, great achievements in a certain discipline; able to give specific guidance to the development planning, discipline construction, teaching and research, often able to give lectures for academic exchanges, and generally should be under 60 years old. Academicians or experts and professors in academia at home and abroad are in good health and age can be relaxed as appropriate. If the relevant personnel who have put forward major guidance opinions on the planning, construction and development of the university or have made significant contributions to the university meet certain conditions, the school may employ them as a visiting professor at the university level according to their needs.
工作方式和要求 Working methods and requirements (1)专职或兼职; (2)能够保障定期的在线交流,以及非定期的线下交流; (3) 能够保障每年2-6个月驻地工作者优先。 a. Full-time or part-time; b. Ensure regular online meetings, and irregular offline communication; c.Researchers who can secure a 2-6 month residency per year are preferred.
引进待遇 Rewards 待遇面议 Negotiate in detail and sign a personalized agreement.
招聘专业 Vacancies Available with the Following Disciplines/Majors: 学科专业Disciplines or Majors 1.大数据管理与应用及相关专业Big Data Management and Application and relevant specialty 2.金融学及相关专业Finance and relevant specialty 3.财务管理及相关专业Financial Management and relevant specialty
工作地点 Working Address 广东省佛山市南海区狮山大学城华南师范大学佛山校区 Foshan Campus, South China Normal University, Shishan University Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
应聘材料 Application Documents 申请人请提供个人简历,包括近五年的承担的科研项目、发表的论文(注明SCI、EI、SSCI、CSSCI收录情况,期刊影响因子和论文他引次数)、获奖成果等清单。 The candidates should provide CV (including research projects undertaken in the past five years, publications indicated the SCI, EI, SSCI, CSSCI, journal impact factor and citations), and list of awards.