Applicants Requirements Faculties Super Postdoctoral Proposals ● General under 38 years old ● Ph.D. candidates or Ph.D. holders within 3 years generally ● With outstanding achievement
申请方式: 请将 1)简历;2)代表性论文;3)三个学术推荐人的联系电话和电子邮箱地址等材料合并为一个PDF文档发送至邮箱,邮件标题为“光华论坛-研究方向-青年人才/超级博士后-姓名-高校人才网”。【快捷投递:点击下方“立即投递/投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】 研究院对申请人进行资格审核后,通过邮件向审核通过人员发送邀请函。 Application procedure Please combine your 1) CV; 2) representative papers; 3) contact numbers and e-mail addresses of three academic referees into a single PDF file Qualified applicants will receive an official invitation letter via E-mail to participate in the Forum.