1、遵守中华人民共和国法律和法规,尊重中华民族的风俗习惯;在其原居住国内无法律纠纷;无犯罪记录。Comply with the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China; respect Chinese customs and traditions; no legal dispute in original country; no criminal record. 2、身体健康,年龄一般在50周岁以下。Under 50 years old and in good health. 3、具有博士学位和相关专业工作经历。Possesses a doctorate degree and with related working experiences.
引进待遇: 1、外籍及港澳台地区教师的薪酬实行年薪制。Annual salary system for international faculties from foreign countries, and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 2、聘期内享受带薪休假政策。Paid legal holidays within the period of contract. 3、提供标准化公寓优惠租住。Furnished accommodation with preferential rent. 4、购买综合医疗保险。Comprehensive medical insurance.