Tsinghua Institute for
Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences (TIAS) hosts the TIAS Society
of Fellows, a postdoctoral program at
The TIAS fellows are joined by TIAS faculty members who take part in the Society as faculty fellows. Seminars, reading groups, workshops, and lectures will be organized regularly for formal and informal discussions. TIAS supports interdisciplinary research in humanities and social sciences. Fellows in the Society engage in innovative and productive research and contribute to intellectual exchange within the university community and beyond.
TIAS recruits its post-doctoral Fellows globally and especially encourages applications from developing countries or underrepresented groups. Every year, about ten fellows are welcomed. Those recruited are expected to join TIAS in the fall semester of 2024 (usually no later than October 1). All selections are based on both external and internal reviews.
一、招聘条件及工作要求 Eligibility and Requirements
To apply for TIAS
postdoctoral fellowships in Fall 2024, applicants must have received their PhD
degree after
Fellows are required to
remain in residence at
二、薪酬与福利待遇 Benefits
1. 校发年薪30万元(税前)。可根据申请人的综合情况给予额外资助。
2. 提供社会保险、职业年金、公积金等。
3. 提供周转公寓。如个人放弃租住学校周转公寓,提供租房补贴4.2万元/年。
5. 按照博士后政策办理本人及家属的户籍迁移。
6. 学校为“水木学者”提供高起点发展平台和全方位培养体系,此外,学校还提供高水平国际学术会议资助,定期举办学术沙龙等专项交流活动。
TIAS fellows are provided with a package of benefits that include (but not limited to):
An annual salary of 300,000 RMB (before tax) during the fellowship period.
On-campus housing opportunities, or housing subsidies of 42,000 RMB per year.
Funds and allowances for attending international conferences upon application.
The same medical plan privileges as Tsinghua faculty.
Fellow’s children are offered positions at Tsinghua University’s kindergarten and primary school.
Opportunities to teach and attend career management workshops offered to Tsinghua faculty.
三、申请材料 Application
2) 申请表(包括个人学术履历和展现当前与近期学术研究计划的研究自述);
3) 代表性学术写作一篇;
4) 三位推荐人的姓名及电子邮件联系方式;
以上材料请以PDF或Word格式合并提交至 tiastalent@tsinghua.edu.cn,邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名+高校人才网。
Applicants should visit the TIAS website (https://tias.tsinghua.edu.cn/application/postdoctoral-fellow-application) for details, download the application form there and submit an application package, in either English or Chinese, which should include:
1) a cover letter;
2) an Application Form.docx (which includes a curriculum vita and a statement of current and future research plans);
3) a writing sample;
4) names and email addresses of three references.
Please email all materials in PDF or Word to tiastalent@tsinghua.edu.cn.
Completed applications must be submitted by December 25, 2023
Inquiries may be sent by email to tiastalent@tsinghua.edu.cn