Open Post-doctoral Positions in Prof. Fengyu Cong’s Group
Three-year Post-doctoral Research Fellow in EEG/MEG/fMRI Signal Processing and Cognitive Neuroscience Using EEG/MEG/fMRI tools.
Fengyu Cong’s Research Profile in School of Biomedical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China:
Job requirements
(1) The successful candidate will be expected to have a relevant PhD degree (received within 3 years) in the field of EEG/MEG/fMRI Signal Processing and Cognitive Neuroscience Using EEG/MEG/fMRI tools.
(2) The applicants are preferably under age 32 when sending the application.
(3) Clear research goals will be set for the 3-year contract.
Remunerations and Benefits
250,000-300,000 Yuan RMB pre-tax annual salary on a 3-year contract.
Benefits offered by DUT
(1) The appointee may enjoy the same benefits as DUT faculty staff, such as meal subsidies, health examinations, etc.
(2) The appointee’s children can be admitted to DUT kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, which are among the best in Dalian.
(3) Opportunity for outstanding appointees to apply for a faculty position when the contract ends.
Email: or WeChat: CongFengyu