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Open position of Post-doc researchers from the Illumination Laboratory in the team of Prof. Luoxi Hao

01实验室简介Laboratory Introduction

同济大学光环境实验室隶属于同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,主要开展和承担建筑与城市光环境设计、人因健康与环境疗愈的教学、科研及工程实践工作。经过多年的积累与建设,目前拥有人工照明与自然采光两大实验空间,是“高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室”及“生态化城市设计国际合作联合实验室“的重要组成部分,现已成为光环境研究领域国际领先的科研、教学、工程实践基地。在教学方面,实验室面向建筑与城市规划学院各专业开展光环境教学工作;在科研方面,实验室关注学术领域前沿问题,重点研究建筑与城市光环境及人因健康创新技术,并积极响应国计民生现实需求,牵头人居健康医工交叉协作,拓展建成环境学科发展布局。20032024年,集聚跨领域人才,发展建成环境人因健康研究实验平台,承担多项国家重点研发计划项目、863 计划项目、自然科学基金和省市级等各类科研项目,提升极端应激环境与城乡建成环境人居福祉。

The Illumination Laboratory is affiliated to the College of Architecture and Urban Planning in Tongji University, which mainly focuses on the research of building and urban lighting design, health lighting and illumination healing. After years of accumulation, it now has two experimental sections: artificial lighting and daylighting, as a major part of the “Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education in Ecology and Energy Efficiency for Populous Urban Areas” and the “International Collaborativ Laboratory in Ecological Urban Planning”. It has been an international base on leading research, teaching and engineering practice in the field of lighting research. In teaching, the team of the lab opens light environment courses for all majors in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning; in research, it focuses on cutting-edge technologies in the academic research, including the building and urban lighting and human centric lighting. It has been actively involved in projects related to the country's economy and people's living environment, taking the lead in interdiscipline research in medical and engineering study on health lighting in the built environment. During 2003-2024, the laboratory has gathered talents from various fields established a research platform for built environment and human health. It has accomplished a number of national research and development projects, 863 program projects, national natural science funding projects, state level scientific research projects, etc., facing the challenges of extreme environment and enhancing the well-being of the built environment in both urban and rural areas.

02招聘条件Apply Requirements



3. 申请者需要保证在站期间全职从事博士后研究,办理同济大学入职。

4. 符合国家及流动站招收博士后研究人员的其他要求。

1. Doctoral degree in Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Psychology, Biomedical Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Technology and other related disciplines from domestic and foreign universities and institutes, with good characteristics, health and enthusiasm for scientific research work.

2. The age of the applicant should be under 35 years old in the year of application, with the doctoral degree acquired no more than 3 years (excluding postdoctoral researchers who have entered the second station or above).

3. Applicants are required to guarantee that they will be engaged in postdoctoral research full-time during the employment contract period in Tongji University.

4. Applicants shall meet the general requirements for postdoctoral researchers.


1、普通博士后税前年薪30+,获“上海市超级博士后计划” 税前年薪36+;获“博士后创新人才支持计划” 税前年薪42+、特别优秀者税前年薪45万元+





1. Ordinary postdocs will receive a pre-tax annual salary of RMB 300,000+, those who have won the "Shanghai Super Postdoctoral Plan" will have a pre-tax annual salary of RMB 360,000+; those who have won the "Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Plan" will have a pre-tax annual salary of RMB 420,000+. Particularly outstanding postdocs will have a pre-tax annual salary of RMB 450,000. +

2. Apartments or housing subsidies will be provided

3. The school provides free physical examinations for postdoctoral fellows every year

4. Relevant regulations of Shanghai shall handle children's enrollment (primary school), daycare, etc.

Details: https://hr.tongji.edu.cn/info/1176/37961.htm

04应聘方式How to apply

有意者请将应聘材料(包括个人简历、博士期间研究成果及代表作、获奖、推荐信等)和潜在合作意向的电子版发送至(以附件形式发送)邮箱 (点击查看),请【点击下方“立即投递/投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】,邮件主题为“姓名+应聘博士后”,通过初选的应聘者会电话联系。

If you are interested,please send your application material (including CV, doctoral thesis and publication works, letters of recommendation, awards, etc.) and potential cooperation intention electronically to (点击查看) with the subject of “Name + Postdoctoral Application” (as attachment). Candidates who pass the preliminary selections will be contacted by phone.

05导师介绍 Supervisor Information

郝洛西,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院长聘教授、博士生导师,工学博士。同济大学科协副主席,十四五国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家。目前担任国际照明委员会CIE副主席、国际科学理事会ISC-CHINA委员、中国照明学会特邀副理事长、极地医学专业委员会常务委员等职。长期从事光与人因健康的教学科研与工程实践工作。近年来牵头医工交叉协作,集聚跨领域人才,组建“国际健康设计联合创新团体”,发展建成环境人因研究平台,承担国防科技创新、国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发计划等科研项目,开展了人居健康循证研究和应用。曾参加中国第29次南极科考队,赴长城站完成极地健康光照高保真人因实验。率先提出面向国防深海、应对密闭环境应激的智能健康光照技术。首创性针对南极极昼极夜环境,研究智能人因健康支持系统,促进科考队员极端环境习服与身心健康自适应。建立“环境疗愈及主动式光健康干预”理论,创建“视觉功效-生理调节-心理干预”健康光照关键技术体系。提出生态健康城市照明的标准参数和指标限值,为规范管控制定提供了科学支撑。研究成果已开展示范性应用,并牵头获得轻工联合会科技进步一等奖、教育部科技进步二等奖、上海市科技进步二等奖等多个奖项。发表论文百余篇、出版专著八部,获得国家专利近30余项。出版了“上海市重点出版物”学术专著《光与健康》,并组织CIE重要出版物 S026的全球培训。

Luoxi Hao, with a PhD in Engineering  is a Full Professor and Doctoral Supervisor in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University. She is the vice-chairman of the Science Association of Tongji University and the chief scientist of the 14th Five-Year Key R&D Program Project. Currently, she serves as the vice president of CIE, International Commission on Illumination, committee member of the ISC-CHINA, invited vice president of China llluminating Engineering Society, and executive member of Polar Medicine Specialized Committee. She has long been engaged in teaching, research and engineering practices of lighting and human health. In recent years, she has taken the lead in cross-collaboration between medical doctors and engineers, gathered talents from different fields, set up the “International Health Design Joint Innovation Group”, developed an environmental human factors research platform, undertaken scientific research projects including National Defense Science and Technology Innovation, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and carried out evidence-based research on human health and its application. She participated in China's 29th Antarctic Research Team, and visited the Great Wall Station to complete the on-site human factors experiments in polar conditions for health lighting. She was the first to propose the intelligent healthy lighting technology for the defense of deep sea and coping with the stress of confined environment. She also pioneered the research of intelligent human factors health support system for the extreme day and night environment in Antarctica, promoting the research team members' adaptation to the extreme environment and their physical and mental health. In addition, she established the theory of “environmental healing and active light health intervention”, and created the key technology system of “visual effect-physiological regulation-psychological intervention” for healthy illumination. The proposed standard parameters and index limits for eco-healthy urban lighting provide scientific support for the formulation of norms and regulations. The research results have been demonstrated and applied, and have won the first prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Light Industry Federation, the second prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of Shanghai Municipality, among many other awards. She has published more than 100 papers and eight monographs, and has been approved nearly 30 national patents. She has published the academic monograph “Light and Health”, which is one of the “Key Publications of Shanghai”, and organized the global training of CIE Key Publication S026.

06团队科研项目Team Research Projects



In March 2024, Prof. Hao Luoxi of College of Architecture and Urban Planning Tongji University, as the project leader of the “14th Five-Year Plan” National Key Research and Development Program “Key Technology and Equipment for Sustainable Development of Cities and Towns” project kick-off meeting and implementation plan demonstration meeting were successfully held in Shanghai. The implementation of the project will play an important role in realizing the improvement of the environmental quality of livable cities and promoting the green and high-quality development of China's cities.



Antarctic Health Human Factors Healing Module’ is an important achievement of ‘Research on Intelligent Human Factors Health Support System for Antarctic Research’, a scientific and technological research project for social development under ‘Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan’ of Shanghai Municipality in 2020. It is an important achievement of the project “Research on Intelligent Human Factors Health Support System for Antarctic Science and Technology Expedition”. The project is jointly undertaken by China Polar Research Center, Tongji University, many hospitals and enterprises in Shanghai. Taking advantage of the cross-discipline of “science, engineering and medicine” and the cooperation between industry, academia and research, the team independently researched and developed the key technology of active health intervention, and explored the establishment of an intelligent human factors health support and environment regulation system in the polar station area.

07团队成果 Team Outcome

主要研究方向Main Research Areas




3. 大飞机客舱智慧光照;

4. AI自适应智慧光谱与场景控制;







The Illumination Laboratory of Tongji University has long been engaged in multidisciplinaryresearch on light and health, obtaining empirical data through evidence-based research, human factors experiments and medical-industrial cooperation, and other advanced experimental methods to explore the research issues of light and health, and recently focusing on the following directions:

1. Human factors research on the effects of light on the rhythm and emotion regulation of researchers under extreme day and night conditions in the Antarctic research station area;

2. The healing effect of artificial light environment in human habitation (residence, medical and health care buildings, primary and secondary schools, offices);

3. Intelligent illumination in the passenger cabin of large airplanes;

4. AI adaptive intelligent spectrum and scene control;

5. Intelligent and healthy lighting technology to cope with extreme confined stressful environment;

6. Color science and healing effect research;

7. Habitat-oriented urban lighting and light pollution fine control;

8. Research and application of key technologies for improving the environmental quality of hospitable cities;

9. The impact of light on sleep and mood of the elderly and the elderly living alone, stroke rehabilitation patients, cancer patients, people with mood disorders and depression, and pregnant females;

10. Daylighting design based on health factors.





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