Job Posting Details
Formally established
in June 2022, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (
The intended areas of focus in the GZ Campus will be thematic and cross-disciplinary in nature, synergistic with HKUST without overlapping academic degrees or structures. HKUST(GZ) comprises four Hubs, namely Function Hub, Information Hub, Systems Hub, Society Hub and offers 15 postgraduate degrees. At steady state, the number of undergraduate and postgraduate students will reach a total of 10,000.
The HKUST(GZ) Information Hub comprises four thrust areas: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Analytics, Computational Media and Arts, and Internet of Things.
The HKUST(GZ) invites applications for Research Assistant Professor position in Computational Media and Arts (CMA) for its new campus in Guangzhou (GZ). Currently offering M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees, the CMA Thrust focuses on artistic research and practice with emerging technologies. Composed of faculty members and students from a diverse backgrounds, it promotes the interplay of art and technology and exploits the most advanced technologies for creativity with a social impact. More information about CMA can be found on our website
CMA is interested in candidates who can thrive in an interdisciplinary academic area, enrich a creativity-driven curriculum, and pursue high impact art-related research in a science-, technology- and engineering-oriented university environment. We welcome candidates whose research and practice fall within the following areas to apply:
● Augmented/virtual/mixed reality (VR, AR, XR)
● Interactive media and games
● Computer graphics and 3D animation
● Human-computer/Human-robot/Human-AI interaction
● Data, AI and machine learning for arts
● Other forms of code-based art or computational media
Qualification of Candidates
Candidates with technology background should hold a doctoral degree and have demonstrated ability to pursue high impact research in areas related to computational media. Candidates with art practice background should either hold a doctoral degree or have held academic positions at a recognized institution with experience advising postgraduate art students, plus a notable media art exhibition history with a sustained creative practice in a related area.
Remuneration and Conditions of Service
Salary is highly competitive of international standard and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous research funds, ample laboratory space and excellent research equipment and support will be provided.
Application Procedure
Please submit the application via the HKUST/ HKUST(GZ) Recruitment System ( You should first sign up to create your personal account. For more information, please visit the recruitment website (
Please submit the following documents with your application: (i) full CV; (ii) research statement; (iii) teaching statement; (iv) three most representative publications and/or art projects in PDF formats; (v) record of teaching performance (if any); (vi) and names and contact information of three referees.
Up to three additional documents, such as a full portfolio or additional publications, can also be uploaded to the system. Review of applications will continue until all positions are filled. We thank applicants for the interests. Please be advised that only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the results of their applications. If you have any inquiries, please contact
(Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.)