Interdisciplinary Research Center on Biology and Chemistry (IRCBC), Chinese Academy of Sciences,is an exciting research center located in Pudong, Shanghai, China ( invites qualified applications for independent investigator positions forresearches addressing interesting and important biological questions that arebroadly relevant to human diseases, including neurological and neurodegenerative diseases,cancer, immune diseases,heartdiseases, diabetes, etc. IRCBC offers highly competitive salary, long-termstable support for research, benefits and generous housing allowance, new laboratory space and state-of-art core facilities.
The IRCBC is seeking applicants with expertise in following areas:
-Cellular and molecular biology;
-Chemical biology;
-Super high-resolution microscopy and imageanalysis;
-Cellular and behavioral neurobiology;
-Vertebrate and invertebrate animal models ofhuman diseases;
-Genomics and computational biology.
Please submit a cover letter and a curriculum vita with links to representative publication in the PubMed, one-page description of current research program and accomplishments, two-page description of future plans and by email with the heading “IRCBC PI job application_2022” to:
Applicationswill be accepted until the positions are filled. Applications will be reviewed immediately.
If you have any questions regarding submitting an application, please contact our administrator Min Huang (in Chinese, or English) at:
Shanghai (CN)
Highly competitive salary, long-term stablesupport for research, benefits and generous housing allowance
IRCBC, the Chinese Academy of Sciences