Notice on recruitment of researchers for the Belt and Road Research Institute of Hainan University in 2023

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I. Introduction ofHainanUniversity andthe Belt and RoadResearch Institute

Founded in Hainan Islandin 1958, Hainan University(HNU)was approved by the state as a key university under the“211 Project”and later listed in the national plan forestablishingworld-class disciplines. It is also one of the 14 universities jointlyadministeredby the Ministryof Education (MOE)and theHainan Provincial People’sGovernment.With a campus area of around 1000 acres, HNUnowenrolls41,000 full-time studentsamong its37 schools.It now hosts 13 first-level discipline doctoral programs, one professional doctor's degree program, 34 first-level discipline master programs, 21 professional master's degree programs, 71 undergraduate programs (including 45 national first-class undergraduate programs), and6 post-doctoralR&Dstations. The disciplines covermajor categories such asphilosophy, economics, law,humanities, sciences, medicine, agronomy, engineering, management,andarts.Its faculty has over2600 full-timemembers, including 1fellowof the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1fellowof the Canadian National Academy of Engineering and the Canadian Academy of Engineering, 1 foreignfellowof the EngineeringAcademy ofJapan, 1 foreignfellowof the Russian Academy of Engineering,and4 national teaching masters. HNU has also been joined by48 national-level experts andscholars, such asChang JiangScholars,Distinguished Young Scholars,andleadingscholars funded by the Ten Thousand Talent Program.

Established by HNUin March 2019, the Belt and RoadResearch Institute(the Institute) strives to facilitate the development of HNU’s world-class disciplines and Hainan Free Trade Port througha series of studies on the Belt and Road Initiative, thedevelopmentof the Hainan Free Trade Port, the linkage between the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Hainan Free Trade Port, and China-USdiplomatic relations.Since its establishment, theInstitute has maderemarkableachievementswithits influence constantly expanding.On the latestnational rankingjointly released by theGuangming DailyPressand Nanjing Universityin 2022, the Institute rankedthefifthplace in terms of the overall performanceand the first placeinterms ofmedia influence. At the end of 2019, the Institute wasincludedasthe China Think Tank Index (CTTI) source;and in December 2022, itenteredthe "CTTI Top 100 University Think Tank List"as anA-level think tank.

II.Basic Requirements

1.Dedicated to education with great ambition and a strong sense of responsibility;

2.Understand and acknowledge the philosophy and development objectives of HNU and the Institute;

3.Familiar with the law of higher education and the law of university running;

4.Boastthe requiredprofessionalskillsand coordination abilitiesfor thisposition,as well asgood professionaland moralethics;

5.Adoctoraldegree or a senior professional titleis required;

6.Academicbackground in journalism, communication, network and new media, economics, finance, international relations, big data and artificial intelligence, andother related disciplines is required;

7.Have sufficient understanding ofthe "Belt and Road" Initiative, Hainan Free Trade Port, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, big data, artificial intelligence, new media, andother related research fields;

8.Participated inorpresided over related research projects;

9.Age limit: normally, first-level talent shall be under 65years old, second-leveltalentunder 55, third-leveltalentunder 50, fourth-leveltalentunder 45, and fifth-leveltalentunder 35.

III.Job VacanciesandRemuneration Packages

(1)Job Vacancies


(2)Remuneration Packages

In accordance withtheImplementation Measures for Hainan UniversityTalent Introduction StandardsandRemuneration Packages,the remuneration packages for the above positionsare as follows:

1.First-level talent

Basic requirements:

The applicant shallbea widely acknowledgedacademic leaderwithpioneering achievementsand outstanding academic contributions recognized by domestic and foreign peers inhisfield.

He or she shall be a fellow ofthe Chinese Academy of Sciences,theChinese Academy of Engineering,orotheracademies ofequal significance;shallhave experienceoforganizing andinitiatingnational major research projects, andthe excellentplanning abilityforthe research ofmajorsocial and economicissues ofstrategic importance;shall havetheplanningabilityas astrategic scientist for discipline construction and scientific research;andshall have the ability ofbringingrelevantdisciplines to the international advanced level or the leading level in China.

Remuneration Package:

(1)An officially budgeted post with relevant remuneration;

(2)An settling-in allowance of RMB1 million;

(3)Asalaryaccording tothe applicant’sprofessionaltitleand technical position,withan additional talent allowance(RMB0.9-1.2 millionperyear);

(4)Sufficient researchfunds for newly hired researcherandgreatoffice spaceas needed;

(5)employment of spouse.

2.Second-level talent

Basic requirements:

The applicant shall be an outstandingacademic organizer whose achievementshas a strong global or domestic influence in his or her own research field.

He or she shallhave been selected into the national high-level talent program project orother programs atequal level;shall have the experienceoforganizing andinitiatingresearch projects of the same level as national major or key R&D programs;shall beanactivethinker who can conjure upcreative ideas for discipline development; shall have the ability ofbringingthe relevantdiscipline toaleading position in China andreachingthe international and domestic advanced level insomefrontier fields.

Remuneration Package:

(1)An officially budgeted post with relevant remuneration;

(2)An settling-in allowance of RMB700,000;

(3)Asalaryaccording tothe applicant’sprofessionaltitleand technical position,withan additional talent allowance(RMB0.7-0.9millionperyear);

(4)Sufficient researchfunds for newly hired researcherandgreatoffice spaceas needed;

(5)Employment of spouse (a bachelor’s degree or above is required).

3.Third-level talent

Basic requirements:

The applicant shallhave good academic competitiveness and strong teambuildingability,andhave maderemarkableachievements inhis or herresearch field.

He or she shallbe selected into the national Young Talent program orother programs at equal level;shall have the experienceoforganizing andinitiatingnational key research projectsor other projects at the same level;shall boastthe abilityof disciplinedevelopment planning; shallhave a keen insightintothe disciplinedevelopmentand academic research;andshall be able toplay a leading role in the disciplinedevelopmentand talent training.

Remuneration Package:

(1)An officially budgeted post with relevant remuneration;

(2)An settling-in allowance of RMB 500,000;;

(3)Asalaryaccording tothe applicant’sprofessionaltitleand technical position,withan additional talent allowance(RMB0.4-0.6millionperyear);

(4)Sufficient researchfunds for newly hired researcherandgreatoffice spaceas needed;

(5)Employment of spouse as decided by the Special Recruitment Panel of HNU, only if the spouse has a master’s degree or above.

4.Fourth-level talent

Basic requirements:

The applicant shall havestrong academic abilitywith influentialrepresentative achievements inhis or herdiscipline.

He or she shall havethe potentialofsupportingthe discipline toreachorsurpassthe national advanced level;shall have the experienceoforganizing andinitiatingnational research projects;shall havea keen insight intodisciplinedevelopment;andshall be able toplay a major role insupportingdisciplinedevelopmentandtalenttraining.

Remuneration Package:

(1)An officially budgeted post with relevant remuneration;

(2)An settling-in allowance of RMB400,000;

(3)Asalaryaccording tothe applicant’sprofessionaltitleand technical position,withan additional talent allowance(RMB0.2-0.4millionperyear);

(4)Necessaryresearchfunds for newly hired researcherandgreatoffice spaceas needed;

(5)Assistanceinthe employmentof the applicant’sspouse.

5.Fifth-level talent

Basic requirements:

The applicant shall havegood academic ability and representative achievements in the discipline. He or she shall have the ability ofplayingamajorrole in disciplinedevelopmentandtalenttraining.

Remuneration Package:

(1)An officially budgeted post with relevant remuneration;

(2)An settling-in allowance of RMB200,000;

(3)Asalaryaccording tothe applicant’sprofessionaltitleand technical position.If the applicant has especially remarkableachievementsand well-provedrapid growth potential, orhis or her background isurgentlyneeded, he or shecan apply foranadditional talent allowance (no more than RMB200,000), whichshallbedeterminedby theSpecialRecruitmentPanelofHNU;

(4)Researchteams shall be responsible for providinga good research platform and working conditionsfor their key researchers, andHNU mayprovide certain research fundsaccording to theteams’actual research work.

In addition, the newly introducedhigh-level talent can apply for the director exceptive certificationof senior professionaltitles inaccordancewiththerelevantregulations ofHNU.

IV.Application Guide

1.ApplicationTime andMethod

(1)Time: from now to July 31, 2023 (subject to the time when theapplicationemail is received).

(2)Method:submit the application via the following website:


Click the following website for more information on the talent recruitment procedures of HNU:

VI. Contact


Tel:+86-13876798212 Iris. Liang

+86-15203688062 Anna. Ye




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