MIS is a British Boarding School located in Longhua District, Shenzhen. We are a thriving community that challenges all staff to push boundaries with their teaching and to be progressive in their own professional learning. We offer an innovative British independent school curriculum for international students aged 4 – 18, starting in EYFS and culminating in IGCSE and A-level. The campus, imbued with the ethos of its founding school, Merchiston Castle School Edinburgh, is designed to create an innovative learning space in which an effective 21st-century education can flourish and inspire. If you are interested in joining us, to teach inquisitive and talented children, in a community that seeks to provide professional development opportunities, then please apply… We are waiting for talented you! 深圳曼彻斯通城堡学校,是深圳第一所提供纯正英式教育和寄宿管理体系的国际学校,也是拥有近200年历史的英国知名私立学校曼彻斯通城堡学校(Merchiston Castle School ,位于苏格兰首府爱丁堡)的授权认证的海外分校。 学校位于深圳市龙华区、南山区。学校龙华主校区于2018年8月开放,旨在为4-18岁学生(学前班至13年级)提供最好的教育。 深圳曼彻斯通城堡学校,一所学术卓越、最有温度的纯英式寄宿制国际学校。