1. Leads the collaborative formulation of circulation policies and procedures, based on user needs. 2. Collaborates on and contributes to the creation, development, implementation, and assessment of innovative circulation related projects and services. Organizes, evaluates, and sets priorities for all aspects of services for the unit and identifies areas for improved service. 3. Manages the Aleph/Alma circulation and reserve modules, requiring knowledge of all circulation to configure system parameters, investigate and test new functionality, and recommend changes to library technology staff. 4. Arranges and organizes the reader activities for every academic year. 5. Directly supervises library student helpers, requiring competent and effective hiring, training, communication and etc. 6. Oral and written instruction and direction must be organized, clearly communicated, and presented in a positive manner. 7. Serves all library users at a consolidated service desk by assisting with directional, basic reference, circulation, and technology questions, including referral to an appropriate expert. Excellent customer service skills including the ability to engage, interact and communicate with patience, clarity, tact, and courtesy are essential. Provides functional supervision of staff and students working at the Service Desk, in coordination with other supervisors. Regular evening and weekend hours required. 8. Represents the Libraries within and outside the University community in matters concerning circulation and reserve activities. 9. Assumes other responsibilities as assigned.
1. Master’s degree in Library and Information Science OR equivalent education and experience relevant to the position, advanced degrees in relevant fields will be given preference in consideration. 2. 2+ year professional experience working in User Service or other related department in an academic or research library. 3. Experience providing assistance to library users at a single library service desk. 4. Experience with managing student workers. 5. General understanding of the mission and functions of a research library and the information needs of academic users. 6. Ability to meet or exceed customer service needs and expectations and provide excellent service in a direct or indirect manner. 7. Demonstrated ability to successfully work in a team environment. 8. Demonstrated ability to work creatively in a rapidly changing environment. 9. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. 10. Demonstrated commitment to diversity in the workplace or community. 11. Ability to identify issues and problem with analysis and solutions proposals quickly. 12. For supervisor position, staff management skill required.
Salary and Benefits Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.
Application Procedure Please send full curriculum vitae together with copies of qualification documents, and at least three references by email to the specified mailbox.邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名+高校人才网