II. Work Responsibility 1.使用广泛的研究方法,开发和讲授学科专业课程; Develop and teach professional courses by using a wide range of research methods; 2.领导相关学科的研究小组,积极开展合作或个人研究,为国际商学院的高质量研究做出贡献; Lead research groups of related disciplines, actively carry out cooperative or individual research, and make contributions to the high-quality research of the International Business College; 3.在顶级同行评审期刊上发表研究成果; Publish research results in top peer-reviewed journals; 4.其他促进学院发展的工作。 Other work to promote the development of IBC.
已取得原创性科研成果并获同行专家认可,具备冲击国家人才的潜力,原则上年龄不超过45周岁。Having obtained original research achievementsand received recognition from peer experts,possessing the potential to impact national talentrecognition. candidates preferably under the ageof 45.申请人如具备以下条件,可优先考虑: (5)The candidates who meet the following conditions will be prefertable: 1.具有博士生导师资格; Doctoral supervisor qualification; 2.曾在知名学术机构担任职务。 Having held positions in well-known academic institutions. 申请人如具备以下条件,可优先考虑: (5)The candidates who meet the following conditions will be prefertable: 1.具有博士生导师资格; Doctoral supervisor qualification; 2.曾在知名学术机构担任职务。 Having held positions in well-known academic institutions.
IV. Application method 请申请人将简历及相关证明材料扫描件制作成电子压缩包,以电子邮件方式发送至,并在主题中标明目标职位和研究领域。收到报名材料后,我们会尽快联系进行面试。 Please make the scanning copy of the resume and relevant certification materials into an electronic compressed package and send it to by email, indicating the target position and research field in the email subject. After receiving your application materials, we will contact you for an interview as soon as possible.